Eberly News
Articles for the month of August 2023

WVU linguists sound out how intensity and duration of speech shape pronunciation, rethinking language learning
In prior research, Jonah Katz, associate professor in the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences, had observed unusual patterns for consonants between vowels across “language after language.” Katz’s observations led him to question what most linguists believe: that these aspects of speech are learned by internalizing abstract rules about how to deal with, say, a “t” sound when it is between vowels within a word, as opposed to when it starts or ends a word.

Duct tape evidence holds up in court using innovative method from WVU Eberly College forensic scientists
Tatiana Trejos, assistant professor in the West Virginia University Department of Forensic and Investigative Science, and graduate student Meghan Prusinowski have developed a one-of-a-kind method that can help piece together a crime scene by literally piecing the evidence together. Or not.