Eberly News
Articles for the month of September 2020

Eberly College announces racial justice grant recipients
New racial justice grants awarded by the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences support research for social justice initiatives that will engage with the community.
2020-2021 Eberly Scholars: Sarah Ilhenfeld
Meet international studies and economics student Sarah Ihlenfeld.
2020-2021 Eberly Scholars: Talia Buchman
Meet anthropology student Talia Buchman.
2020-2021 Eberly Scholars: Kalynn Spaid
Meet social work student Kalynn Spaid.

WVU students lead upgrades to Green Bank Telescope
A team of WVU physics and astronomy students helped create a new radio camera for the Green Bank Telescope, the first of its kind in the U.S.
New English Language Learning Institute streamlines academic resources for international students
WVU’s new English Language Learning Institute is centralizing academic resources for international students whose first language is not English.
2020-2021 Eberly Scholars: Anastasia Stewart
Meet philosophy student Anastasia Stewart.

2020-2021 Eberly Scholars: Kyle Roberts
Meet environmental geoscience student Kyle Roberts.
Three WVU alumni awarded Fulbright Scholarships
Three WVU alumni will teach English abroad next year after being awarded the prestigious Fulbright Scholarship, allowing them to develop cross-cultural competency, as well as skills to further their career goals.

Coming up for air
Scientists have long debated the respiratory workings of sea scorpions, but a new discovery by a WVU geologist concludes that these largely aquatic extinct arthropods breathed air on land.