Eberly News
Articles for the month of September 2024

Remembering Elaine “Micki” Ginsberg
FEBRUARY 29, 1936 - AUGUST 9, 2024

4 student leaders chosen for 2024 Hazel Ruby McQuain Graduate Scholarship for strong focus on community
Taylor Brown is studying for a doctoral degree in lifespan developmental psychology. Riley Klug, majored in anthropology while also completing programs in art history, Native American Studies and political science. Hannah Lamb is a graduate student in the WVU Master of Social Work program. Clara Monson is pursuing a Master of Arts degree in English at WVU with the goal of becoming an English professor.

Empowering educators, WVU launches microcredential to aid learners of different abilities
Applications are now being accepted for a new West Virginia University microcredential designed to boost support for Mountain State educators and their students via an innovative teaching method pioneered by late WVU alumna Vicci Tucci.