Eberly News
Articles for the month of April 2017
NSF awards research fellowships to two Eberly students
Two West Virginia University undergraduate students have been awarded National Science Foundation-funded summer research fellowships with the National Institute for Standards and Technology, one of the leading research organizations in the world.
Pursuing your passion through English
When West Virginia University was established in 1867, only five majors were offered: classics, science, philosophy, pre-med and modern literature.

Hash honored with 2017 Foundation Award for Outstanding Teacher
Six West Virginia University faculty members have been selected for the 2017 Foundation Award for Outstanding Teaching, which honors exceptional professors who go above and beyond to inspire their students. This year’s honorees are:

WVU student awarded fellowship to work for veterans
A West Virginia University student who wants to assist veterans who may have been wrongly discharged from service has been named a 2017 Newman Civic Fellow by the Campus Compact, a national non-profit organization that advances the public purpose of higher education to educate students for civic and social responsibility.
McNeil honored with Heebink Award for Distinguished Service
Two West Virginia University faculty members who embody WVU’s land-grant mission of teaching, research and service are the recipients of WVU’s 2017 Heebink Awards for Distinguished Service to the state of West Virginia.

Brigading for better health
While some students returned home for spring break or took much-needed vacations, others traveled the world to study abroad.