Eberly News
Articles for the month of April 2020

A rapid research response to COVID-19’s effect on communities
With the COVID-19 pandemic upending life as we know it, Eberly College researchers are taking quick action to study how people from Appalachia to Europe are responding to the pressure this crisis has placed on their communities.

The climate superhero
Biology student Joanna Ridgeway wins NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Donation of industry-leading software gives WVU students an edge
Schlumberger gift to benefit the Department of Geology and Geography
Caring for West Virginia’s aging populations
With senior citizens making up nearly 20% of West Virginia’s population, one WVU student has committed her career to helping them transition from skilled nursing facilities back into the community. During her field placement at Mapleshire Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Master of Social Work student Heather Beeseck recognized that older clients needed access to more support services, especially when they were only temporarily in a skilled nursing facility for rehabilitation.
Supporting healthy "grandfamilies"
With 1 in 14 West Virginia youth being raised by grandparents, one WVU student is committed to ensuring they have the resources they need to support their families. Master of Social Work student Mariah Martin is an intern with Healthy Grandfamilies, an eight-week training program from the Children’s Home Society for grandparents voluntarily raising their grandchildren.

WVU’s Eberly College announces 2019-2020 Outstanding Faculty Awards
The Eberly College has named recipients for its 2019-2020 Outstanding Teacher, Researcher and Service awards.

From electric fish to electronic gadgets
New neuroscience research has the potential to improve technologies used by the human body’s five senses, ranging from hearing aids to cameras. Gary Marsat, an assistant professor of neuroscience in the Department of Biology, has received the National Science Foundation’s prestigious CAREER Award to study sensory systems, which process all the signals from the eyes, ears, mouth, nose and skin and delivers that information to the brain.

Illuminating the future of renewable energy
A new chemical compound created by researchers at WVU is lighting the way for renewable energy. The compound is a photosensitizer, meaning it promotes chemical reactions in the presence of light. It has many potential applications for improving the efficiency of modern technologies ranging from electricity-producing solar panels to cell phones. The study, published March 16 in Nature Chemistry, was conducted by researchers in Assistant Professor of Chemistry Carsten Milsmann’s lab with support from his National Science Foundation CAREER Award.

Making a home among the stacks
Since transferring to WVU in fall 2017, Connecticut native Déja Fleury has found a home-away-from-home in Morgantown. Nearly three years later, the social work major is helping the local library feel more like home for its patrons.