Eberly News

WVU biology student keeping an eye on unique vision problems
When Easton Cahill arrived at West Virginia University, he was the first in his family to attend college. As a high school student in Bridgeport, he was drawn to science through the influence of his biology teacher. Once he discovered his affinity for research, his path became clear — WVU was his choice.

Five Eberly College students gain international perspective as Gilman Scholars
Five Eberly College students will expand their horizons through study abroad experiences this spring, summer and fall after being awarded scholarships through the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program.

Eight Eberly faculty members recognized for excellence in teaching, research and service
Eight members of the faculty in Eberly College of Arts and Sciences have been recognized for their excellence in teaching, research and service.

WVU employees recognized with Boy Scouts of America national educator award
Jay Cole and Michelle Richards-Babb were recognized as the 2023 recipients of the Elbert K. Fretwell Outstanding Educator Award, presented to teachers, educational support staff and school administrators who instill Scouting values in their students.

Estate gift from the family of Earl L. Core will benefit the namesake WVU Core Arboretum
A late relative of longtime West Virginia University biology professor and local historian Earl L. Core is providing more than $1.8 million to support the study of nature and history in his memory.

Five students named WVU Mountaineers of Distinction
West Virginia University has named Olivia Dowler, Sophia Flower, Rachel Johnson, Thomas Williams and Natalie Wonsettler the 2023 Mountaineers of Distinction, a Mountaineer Week tradition that recognizes exemplary academic achievement and extracurricular involvement.

WVU researchers team up with middle school students to study potential benefits of acid rain
West Virginia University biologists will tap local eighth graders for help on research studying what happens when acid rain stops falling.

Eberly students receive Gilman Scholarships to study abroad
Twenty undergraduate students from across the University received the competitive national award funded by the U.S. State Department to travel abroad without financial constraints. Twelve of those 20 students are studying in the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences.

2022-23 Eberly Scholars: Allison Barr
Majors: Biology (B.A.) and Animal & Nutritional Sciences (B.S.)
Hometown: Moorefield, WV