Eberly News

Students from the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences will walk across the stage on Saturday, Dec. 21 as they graduate from West Virginia University, ready to take on the world. As Commencement is upon us, several of our Eberly College graduates reflect on their time at WVU and their plans for the future. Meet Kassie Colón.

Meet the Grads December 2019: Kassie Colón

Eberly College students walked across the stage on Saturday, Dec. 21 as they graduate from WVU, ready to take on the world. As Commencement is upon us, several of our Eberly College graduates reflect on their time at WVU and their plans for the future. Meet geography, Latin American studies and women's and gender studies grad Kassie Colón.

Students from the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences will walk across the stage on Saturday, Dec. 21 as they graduate from West Virginia University, ready to take on the world. As Commencement is upon us, several of our Eberly College graduates reflect on their time at WVU and their plans for the future. Meet Regents Bachelor of Arts student Antonio Jenkins.

Meet the Grads December 2019: Antonio Jenkins

Meet the December 2019 Grads: Antonio Jenkins

Students from the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences will walk across the stage on Saturday, Dec. 21 as they graduate from West Virginia University, ready to take on the world.

As Commencement is upon us, several of our Eberly College graduates reflect on their time at WVU and their plans for the future.  Meet biology major Marlee Dinterman.

Meet the Grads December 2019: Marlee Dinterman

Meet December 2019 graduate Marlee Dinterman

Dylan Vest in a red button-up shirt

WVU Eberly College student awarded prestigious State Department fellowship

At West Virginia University, where students are encouraged to “Go First,” Dylan Vest has taken that mantra to heart. He was the first in his family to go to college, to travel abroad and even get on a plane. Now he’s one step closer to his dream of becoming a Foreign Service Officer by becoming the first WVU student to receive the highly competitive Thomas R. Pickering Graduate Fellowship from the U.S. State Department. 

West Virginia University geographers are linking the political and human rights issues at borders today to the legacies of foreign and domestic policy across the globe since World War I. 

Karen Culcasi and Cynthia Gorman, of the Department of Geology and Geography in the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences, have studied more than 100 years of international laws that have led, perhaps unintentionally, to the existing hostile climate for refugees.

Beyond borders

Geographers link formation of international laws to refugee crisis

Leslie Tower

WVU Women’s Resource Center welcomes Tower as new director

Leslie Tower, a professor of social work, has been named director of the WVU Women’s Resource Center, effective Nov. 1. A passionate advocate for policies that support women’s full participation in society, Tower has published research on women and work, adult learners and violence against women. Her recent scholarly work focuses on gender inequality in institutions of higher education. 

Ángel Tuninetti is a passionate advocate for the importance of the humanities in higher education and society. 

He has been named the 2019 Armand E. and Mary W. Singer Professorship in the humanities, recognizing his dedication and commitment to the study of the Spanish language and Latin American literature and cultures in West Virginia University’s Eberly College of Arts and Sciences.

Tuninetti named 2019 Singer Professor in the Humanities

Ángel Tuninetti is a passionate advocate for the importance of the humanities in higher education and society. 

Rocks may be the key to discovering life on Mars. 

When samples from the Mars 2020 expedition eventually make their way to Earth, the scientists of tomorrow will have a Mountaineer to thank.

West Virginia University geologist Kathy Benison is representing the Mountain State as one of 10 scientists selected as a Return Sample Selection Participating Scientist for NASA’s Mars 2020 expedition. She is responsible for helping to select the rocks and sediments that will be gathered, or cached, by the Mars 2020 rover.

On a mission to Mars

WVU geologist selected for NASA's Mars 2020 team

The West Virginia University Mountaineer is not just a mascot—it is a symbol of West Virginia history and identity embraced throughout the Mountain State. Rosemary Hathaway, folklorist and associate professor of English in the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences, explores the spirit of the Mountaineer in her new book, Mountaineers Are Always Free.

Published by WVU Press, Mountaineers Are Always Free weighs the varying perspectives on the Mountaineer throughout its history – from a backwoods trickster to present-day West Virginia icon. Based on past Mountaineers’ images and portrayals, the book consistently raises the question of what freedom and independence look like in West Virginia through the lens of this mascot, and who gets to claim that freedom and independence.

WVU Press to release book on history and symbol of the Mountaineer

The  West Virginia University  Mountaineer is not just a mascot—it is a symbol of West Virginia history and identity embraced throughout the Mountain State.  Rosemary Hathaway, folklorist and associate professor of English in the  Eberly College of Arts and Sciences, explores the spirit of the Mountaineer in her new book,  Mountaineers Are Always Free

A group of students, studying everything from criminology to creative writing, are working together to make a difference and find purpose in their careers.

A new Social Justice Research Fellowship in West Virginia University’s Eberly College of Arts and Sciences is empowering graduate students to connect their research to social justice issues.

Weaving social justice into graduate studies

A group of students, studying everything from criminology to creative writing, are working together to make a difference and find purpose in their careers.