Eberly News
Articles for the month of September 2017

Where is all the water from?
Nearly 80 percent of residents in Monroe County, W.Va. rely on local springs along Peters Mountain as their water source, whether it’s through their own private well or a public water service.
WVU professors to present at 2017 Shale Insight Conference
West Virginia University professors Paul Ziemkiewicz, Shikha Sharma and Tim Carr will present research on technology in the shale industry at the Shale Insight Conference on Wednesday, Sept. 27 in Pittsburgh, Pa.
WVU's Benedum Distinguished Scholars to present public lectures
The four 2016-17 Claude Worthington Benedum Distinguished Scholars at West Virginia University will present highlights of their award-wining research in individual lectures this fall, beginning this week. All members of the campus and local community are invited to attend these lectures and the receptions following.
More than a memory
Political science alumna honors late father through scholarship
WVU biology students investigate the impact of climate change on Appalachian forests
Biology students at West Virginia University are studying the impact of climate change on the forests of the Appalachian Mountains.
Change never ages
WVU introduces new gerontology minor
WVU physicists chase new ‘wave’ of condensed matter research
Just one year after arriving at West Virginia University, physicist Lian Li is taking physics research to new frontiers.
WVU Native American Studies Program to host 25th anniversary peace tree events Oct. 8-10
The Native American Studies Program at West Virginia University welcomes the public to its annual Peace Tree Ceremony on Tuesday, Oct. 10 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.

Discovering the art of waste
WVU English professor
named a fellow of the National Humanities Center
WVU Department of History to host 7th annual Sen. Rush D. Holt guest lecture Sept. 26
The Department of History at West Virginia University will feature historian and religious studies scholar Jon Butler for its annual Sen. Rush D. Holt Lecture Series.