Psychology and Social Psychology Panel
The Department of Sociology and Anthropology will present a panel discussion on theories and research areas within the fields of psychology and social psychology. Light refreshments will be served. The event is free and open to the public.Panelists
Lisa Dilks, associate professor of sociology, is a structural social psychologist, a branch of microsociology that studies the impact of external social factors on individuals’ behaviors and interactions with others.
Aaron Metzger, associate professor of life span developmental psychology, researches social-cognitive aspects of civic development, including adolescents’ civic and political reasoning, conceptualizations of citizenship and beliefs about civic behavior, community membership and political institutions.
Lisa Platt, assistant professor of clinical psychology, is a licensed psychologist in West Virginia who specializes in multicultural psychology, with a focus on sexual orientation, gender and gender diversity topics. Much of Platt's recent research has explored gender diverse family relationships, such as transgender partnerships.
Natalie Shook, associate professor of clinical psychology, studies the cognitive negativity biases underlying depression and anxiety, as well as the role mindfulness may play in reducing these negativity biases. She is also interested in the role of disgust in shaping group attitudes and sociocultural beliefs.