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Women in Water Careers and Professionalization

About the Panel

This panel will feature women working in West Virginia on water-related issues. The panelists will explore the challenges – gendered and beyond – related to working in the water sector in a state with limited resources for environmental protection. 


Martina Caretta, Moderator
Assistant Professor of Geography
West Virginia University

Teresa Koon
Assistant Director of the Division of Water and Waste Management
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection

Megan Kruger
Environmental Education Outreach Coordinator
West Virginia Water Research Institute

Angie Rosser
Executive Director
West Virginia Rivers Coalition

Women and Water Exhibit

This panel is part of the Women and Water exhibit hosted by the WVU Libraries. The exhibit features approximately 20 photos, paintings and sculptures collected, and in some cases created by, West Virginia women water stewards. The contributing women are active in West Virginia in the fields of water policy and advocacy, source water protection, pollution prevention and remediation, conservation and environmental education. The imagery explores these women’s experiences around water in West Virginia and the accompanying narrative panels include personal descriptions of the relevance of each woman’s submitted works. A section of the exhibit is dedicated to exploring the embodied experiences of water contamination in West Virginia as it pertains to gender. The exhibit will be on display in 1020 Downtown Campus Library from March 4-April 30, 2019. 


  • Martina Angela Caretta, Assistant Professor of Geography
  • Bethani Turley, Geography MA Student
  • Amanda Pitzer, Friends of the Cheat Executive Director
  • Beth Warnick, Friends of the Cheat Media and Outreach Specialist