"Picture a Scientist" Virtual Film Screening and Panel Discussion
"Picture a Scientist" is a feature-length documentary that chronicles the journey of three women scientists — a geologist, biologist and chemist — and their experiences with sexual harassment and implicit bias.
Register to get an access code to watch any time between Feb. 16-18. After watching, join the C. Eugene Bennett Department of Chemistry for a moderated panel discussion on Feb. 19.
- Jennifer Hawkins, PhD, interim chair of the Department of Biology who studies evolutionary plant genomics
- Snehalata Huzurbazar, PhD, statistician, professor in the Eberly College and developer of the College's new data science major
- Kasi Jackson, PhD, director of the WVU ADVANCE Center and professor of women's and gender studies
- Moderator: Michelle Richards-Babb, PhD, director of the Office of Undergraduate Research and professor of chemistry