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Academic Transformations and Eberly Program Discontinuance

General Teach-Out Process


The teach-out process is developed to facilitate the graduation of students engaged in a primary curriculum that is being discontinued. While the college strives to provide the curriculum that students would normally follow, in some instances, a compressed timeline and modifications of some requirements may occur such as course substitution. The teach-out plan must the minimum graduation requirements defined by West Virginia University.

  • Undergraduate majors: minimum of 30 credit hours in the major with the majority of the courses at the upper-division level; completion of a capstone course. 
  • Undergraduate Minors: teach-out requires a minimum of 12 credit hours, with at least 9 credit hours at the upper-division level (courses numbered 300 or 400). 
  • Graduate Certificates: minimum of 12 credit hours. 
  • Master’s Degree: minimum of 30 credits. 
  • Ph.D.: admission to candidacy, residency, completion of doctoral study, and completion and defense of a dissertation. 


  • Undergraduate Students: 
    • Students who have 60 credits completed and in progress at the beginning of the fall 2023 in a discontinued primary major are eligible for a teach-out. Coursework must be completed by the date determined for the end of the teach-out. 
    • Students who have a secondary major or a minor in a discontinued program are not eligible for a teach-out. However, because coursework is typically offered for the primary major, secondary majors and minors can take advantage of those offerings and register for those courses to complete their requirements if possible. Coursework must be completed by the date determined for the end of the teach-out. 
  • Graduate Students: 
    • All graduate students, regardless of credits earned and in progress are eligible for a teach-out. All requirements, including coursework,  must be completed by the date determined for the end of the teach-out. 

Teach-Out Plan 

Each discontinued major or certificate has a teach-out plan, which includes the following elements: 

  • List of courses that will be scheduled for students to complete the coursework portion of the teach-out. 
  • An end date for the teach-out plan. The end date is calculated based on the needs of the primary majors. The end date may be set for successful completion of coursework, non-coursework requirements, or both. 

Undergraduate Degrees and Requirements

Eberly B.A. Foreign Language Requirement 

The Eberly College foreign language requirements for students earning a Bachelor of Arts in the College will no longer be enforced as of October 2023 and will be officially removed from the 2024-2025 undergraduate catalog. The Registrar will remove the language requirement from all students’ DegreeWorks. However, students who wish to complete those foreign language courses are encouraged to do so, and in most cases, those courses will be degree-pursuant. 

If a student is currently enrolled in a course for the foreign language requirement this semester, should the student remain in the course or is it okay to drop it? 

Withdrawing from any course can have unintended consequences. Students should always consult with their academic adviser before dropping a course. For example, dropping a course could impact the ability to renew scholarships or require summer coursework to make up credits. If students currently have an Academic Success Plan, dropping a course could impact their ability to continue to receive aid. Students should contact their adviser before making schedule changes. Please see the Deans/Presidents list information for impact of a W for this recognition. 

Where will language credits go in DegreeWorks? 

Language credits can be applied to a couple of different areas. A language course can satisfy minor credit requirements, GEF Areas 7 and 8, major course requirements. At the very least, it will count towards general electives to reach 120 credits.

How does this change the total number of general elective credits? 

The number of general elective credits for each student depends on the major and catalog year. After removing the foreign language requirement from DegreeWorks, the Registrar will adjust the number of general electives for all students, depending on catalog year and major.

Students should work with their academic adviser to review their total number of general elective credits and to develop a plan on how to use them.

As always, students earning a B.A. in the Eberly college must keep a balance between the number of courses they take in their major and the number of general elective and other requirements. Please see the 42-credit rule in the catalog. 

How does this affect an Academic Success Plan (ASP) for Financial Aid? 

Students who are currently (fall 2023) enrolled in a degree-pursuant foreign language course should complete the course as it is part of their ASP. 

Students who have an ASP that includes a language course which is no longer required, should contact their academic adviser as soon as possible to make the necessary adjustments so that they can continue to receive financial aid and remain compliant with their ASP.
*Note* Modifications should be made once grades have been reported to minimize the impact of the changes. Questions about ASPs can also be directed to the Office of Academic Affairs (304)-293-7476 or email for more information.  

WVU Language Offerings beginning in the fall of 2024 

What languages will WVU offer face-to-face? 

WVU will continue to offer basic language training in a face-to-face modality in Arabic, Chinese, French and Spanish, as well as a small number of upper-division courses in those languages for students wishing to complete a minor.

  1. The college will no longer offer courses in German, Italian, Japanese, or Russian. 
  2. Additionally, the College will develop culture classes in English for students desirous to improve their global competencies; some of those classes may also count toward a minor. 

What if students are interested in other languages? 

Study Abroad: students often choose to study abroad to acquire skills in a language that is not offered at WVU and this practice will continue. WVU’s Eberly College of Arts & Sciences offers student support through the Academic Enrichment Fund, which helps students finance their study abroad. Learn more about the Academic Enrichment fund. Explore study abroad opportunities on the WVU Abroad website.

More opportunities for additional language learning will become available through an online format. WVU is seeking alternative methods of instruction including partnerships with other Big XII schools. More information will be released as it becomes available. (TBD-Rosetta Stone, BIG XII partnerships, etc.)

World Language Undergraduate Majors

Adding a major in World Languages

Effective for the Spring 2024 semester, no student will be able to add a major, either primary or secondary in any language, including Chinese Studies, French and Spanish. 

Removing a major in World Languages

Students wishing to remove a World Language as a primary or secondary major, or convert their major to a minor, must meet with an adviser to make the change and establish a new plan of study. 

French, Chinese Studies, Spanish

All undergraduate students who had a declared major in Chinese Studies or in Spanish at the beginning of the fall 2023 term will be able to complete their major. Students can also convert their major to a minor if they wish to graduate before completing all coursework. Please note that all courses will not be offered every semester. Work closely with your adviser to review your plan of study and any financial aid considerations. 

German Studies, Russian Studies

  1. Teach-Out applies to undergraduate students who meet these 2 conditions:
    1. A primary major in German Russian Studies effective before or for fall 2023. 
    2. And had 60 credits earned and in progress on September 15, 2023. 
  2. Teach-Out Timeline
    1. Primary majors in German Studies or Russian Studies must complete all their major requirements by December 2024. 
    2. For the teach-out, any student with a minimum of 30 credits in the major, including the Capstone course (instead of 33 or 26) will be considered to have completed all major requirements. The Undergraduate Academic Affairs Office will make any adjustment or enter any exception necessary. 
    3. All students must complete the Capstone course in their major to complete their degree. 
    4. At the end of the fall semester 2024, if major requirements are not completed for the German Studies or the Russian Studies major or minors, the major or minor in these areas will be removed from students’ record. They and their adviser will be notified by email of the change. 
  3. Secondary majors and students with fewer than 60 credits:
    1. Undergraduate students with a World Language as a primary major but who did not have 60 credits earned and in progress on September 15 can take advantage of the courses offered, but are unlikely to be able to complete major requirements before the dates above. 
    2. Undergraduate students with a World Language as a secondary curriculum are not guaranteed a teach-out but are welcome to register for all courses offered in the spring and fall 2024. All coursework for the major must be completed by December 2024.

Please reach out to the Office of Academic Affairs (304)-293-7476 or e-mail for more information.  

World Language Minors

Arabic Studies, Chinese Studies, French, Spanish

Current students who wish to complete or declare a minor in those languages, can continue to do so at their own pace.

FLIT, German Studies, Latin American Studies, Linguistics, Russian Studies, TESOL, SEES  

All minor foreign language requirements will need to be completed by the end of the Fall 2024 semester (December 15th 2024). It is critical that students work closely with their academic adviser to remain on track to complete their requirements. It is also important that students do not delay registration for these courses to ensure a seat in needed classes. 

After grades are posted in December 2024 for the fall semester, any uncompleted minor (see #4 below) will be removed from the student record and an email will be sent to the student and their adviser. 

Japanese Studies

Because we do not currently have a faculty member in Japanese available, if students have not already completed their minor (see below) it will be removed from their record before registration begins in October. 

Please reach out to the Office of Academic Affairs (304)-293-7476 or email for more information.  

General Questions 

Can I delay taking a language course during the teachout period? 

Students should not delay taking a language course during the teachout period. There is no guarantee that a course will be offered again and students should prioritize completing their foreign language curriculum.

Who should I contact if I cannot complete my major? 

Students should reach out to the Director of Undergraduate Advising in Eberly, Dr. Samm Jusino to develop a parallel plan.

Who qualifies for the teachout plan? 

Currently enrolled students who have 60 hours earned or in progress and have a World Language as a primary major qualify for the teachout program. You will be notified of your eligibility by Dean Andrea Bebell with instructions on how to proceed. However, any student can take any language course if the pre-requisite is met. 

What is a parallel plan? 

A parallel plan is a course of study plan that a student will work on with an adviser and that uses existing coursework that can be applied to a new curriculum. The plan will be developed to help the student remain on the same timeline towards graduation as best as possible given the current coursework and remaining requirements. The parallel plan will include a multiple-semester plan that will guide students on which courses they will need to successfully complete their new course of study.

Can I still take language courses even if they aren’t required? 

Yes, students can take a language course as long as they have the prerequisite coursework to take the class. This course will either count towards a General Education Foundation requirement or elective course.

Graduate Degrees

Through the Academic Transformation process, all MLS, PUBA, WLLL graduate majors are no longer available for students to declare, effective immediately. 

WVU and the Eberly College are committed to teach-out the primary curriculum of any graduate student enrolled in a Master’s, Ph.D., or Graduate Certificate program. Students who are enrolled in a secondary graduate program are not guaranteed the ability to complete their secondary curriculum, but are encouraged to do so through careful planning and registering for courses that are offered for the teach-out of primary majors. 

The following programs are being discontinued and will no longer admit new students as of spring 2024: 

  • Certificate of Community Development Policy and Practice 
  • Certificate in Linguistics 
  • Certificate in TESOL 
  • Certificate in Spanish 
  • Master of Legal Studies 
  • Master of Art in Linguistics 
  • Master of Art in TESOL 
  • Master of Public Administration 
  • Master of Science in Mathematics 
  • Ph.D. in Mathematics 

For questions about a particular program, please contact the Director of Graduate Studies in your unit.


The timeline for the teach-out is determined on a program-basis (a Ph.D. takes longer to complete than a Master’s or a Certificate). Additionally, the timeline is also dependent on whether the unit will be closing.


Each unit will offer all necessary courses for students to graduate in their primary curriculum. However, the selection of courses may not be as wide as it normally is. Completion of the degree will depend on accurate and timely registration. Students should work closely with their Director of Graduate Studies or committee chair to revise their plan of study if necessary.

CPoS Considerations

Courses taken to fulfill any requirement (College, major, minor) have an impact on financial aid eligibility. Financial aid eligibility is determined on a case-by-case basis based on the remaining requirements that are considered degree pursuant. Students should work with their academic adviser to determine which of courses are degree pursuant or can direct questions and concerns to the Office of Academic Affairs (304)-293-7476 or email for more information. For specific financial aid questions, please contact the Hub at 304-293-1988. 

Contact List

  • Undergraduate Students:
  • Graduate Students:
    • Master of Legal Studies, Master of Public Administration, Graduate Certificate in Community Development Policy and Practice:
      Dean's Office: (304) 293-4611
    • Mathematics Ph.D. and M.S.:
      Dr. Jessica Deshler
    • Master’s and Graduate Certificate in Linguistics or TESOL:
      Dr. Sandra Stjepanovic