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Curriculum and Academic Policy


The Curriculum and Academic Policy Committee (CAPC) will provide guidance, advocacy, and oversight of curricula and academic policies, ensuring that they promote student success, meet the needs of academic transformation, and align with the mission and goals of the College and University.

The CAPC maintains the integrity of the core curriculum in all graduate and undergraduate degree programs and serves as a resource for instructors and department chairs. The committee is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations on all proposals relating to curriculum and academic policy for the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences. The CAPC will consider existing University-wide, College-wide, and Departmental course and program policies in the review process.



The Committee consists of nine voting faculty members drawn across Eberly’s academic programs and two non-voting ex-officio members (Assistant Dean for Curriculum and Assessment, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs).  


The committee meets monthly to:

  • review up to several hundred different proposals a year, ranging from minor course changes to full program proposals.
  • identify and implement best curricular practices to advance academic initiatives and student success.
  • streamline and clarify policies and procedures across graduate and undergraduate programs within the College. 
