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Directory and Profile Listings

Add People Profiles

This process applies only to the Eberly Themes. There are variations in the formatting from one unit to the next. For assistance with your website, please contact

Create a new Profile

  • Go to the Pages list
  • Hover over the index page that you wish to add a profile to, and select “Add Child”. 
  • Select Content Page and a window will open for “New Content Page”
  • Enter the following fields:
    • Name: field enter First Name and Last Name
    • Permalink: will populate from the Name
    • Exclude from Navigation: Check only if you want to hide for review!
    • Label: Add specialization, department, or grouping labels here. NOTE: be cautious of spelling to prevent duplication! The number and format of labels may vary by unit. Please see your Professional Technologist for assistance. 
    • Page Template: Select “Profile Individual”
  • Click Save
  • The page list will refresh. Find your new profile under the main People page and click on “Edit”. You can also use the filter field at the top of the Pages list.
  • Add all field and text information.
  • Click Save to save your work in progress and preview. 
  • Click Publish when the content is ready to go live

To add a Profile Photo

  • Select a professional photo
  • Resize your photo to 1200 pixels wide by 1200 pixels high (1:1ratio)
  • Upload photo to the Files library
  • Click on Edit for the profile image.
  • Add “Thumbnail Alt Text”
  • Copy the “Public URL” by double clicking the URL and then copying the string
  • Go to the “Pages” and find your Profile. When you hover over the page, click on “Properties”.
  • Go to the “Custom Data” tab
  • Go to the bottom and paste the URL into the “Thumbnail URL” and “Thumbnail Square” fields