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COVID-19 Funding Opportunities

Below is a list of funding opportunities specifically related to COVID-19, as well as links to relevant databases, portals and search engines.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Notices of Special Interest (NOSIs):

Post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC), also referred to as long COVID, is defined as signs, symptoms, and conditions that continue or develop after initial COVID-19 infection. Such signs, symptoms, and conditions linger or develop 4 or more weeks following the acute infection, and can last weeks, months, and even years. Furthermore, PASC-related symptoms are wide ranging, and can have cardiopulmonary, gastrointestinal, dermatologic, endocrine, psychiatric and/or neurological manifestations, including sensory dysfunction and cognitive-communication difficulties. Further research is critical to understand the symptomatology, pathogenesis, and underlying mechanisms of PASC. NIDCD invites applications for research on PASC in relation to NIDCD’s scientific programs of hearing, balance, taste, smell, voice, speech and language. When appropriate, NIDCD encourages multi-disciplinary approaches to move the research beyond in vitro and animal models.
Deadline:  Opportunity expires January 30, 2027See full solicitation (linked above) for more details.

NOSI: Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 in Underserved and Vulnerable Populations

NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices participating in the   Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impacts of COVID-19 in Vulnerable and Health Disparity Populations initiative are issuing this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) to highlight interest in research to strengthen the understanding and response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and help us prepare more effectively for future public health emergencies. While research related to the direct clinical effects of COVID-19 are supported by other funding opportunities, there are additional urgent public health needs, particularly in populations who experience health disparities and in vulnerable populations. The purpose of this Notice is to 1) emphasize the roles and impacts of interventions, particularly those under the umbrella of digital health, as well as community-engaged and multi-level interventions in healthcare settings to address access, reach, delivery, engagement, effectiveness, scalability, and sustainability of services that are utilized during and following the pandemic, and 2) encourage the leveraging of existing large-scale data sources with broad population coverage to improve prediction of various mitigation efforts (including vaccinations, masking, and physical distancing to inform the public health response) on transmission reduction and on social and economic impacts, and assess the downstream health and healthcare access effects, with an emphasis on underserved and vulnerable populations. Additionally, the use of large-scale data sources to study the indirect health impacts of the pandemic and subsequent social and economic changes is needed to understand the costs and benefits of various COVID-19 mitigation strategies.
Deadline: Opportunity expires September 8, 2024. See full solicitation (linked above) for more details.

NOSI: Effects of smoking and vaping on the risk and outcome of COVID-19 infection

The purpose of this notice is to communicate NIDA’s interest in supporting research on the effects of smoking or vaping tobacco or marijuana on the risk of acquiring COVID-19 and the clinical course of the infection. This Notice is a reissuance of NOT-DA-20-084. NIDA is interested in receiving research applications focusing on individuals who smoke or vape either marijuana and/or tobacco to determine: 1) the risk of contracting a COVID-19 infection, 2) the effects on asymptomatic COVID-19 infected persons, and 3) the course of the COVID-19 infection.
Deadline:  Opportunity expires September 8, 2024. See full solicitation (linked above) for more details.

NOSI: Medical Consequences of Smoking and Vaping Drugs of Abuse in Individuals with HIV and COVID-19

NIDA is interested in receiving research applications focusing on individuals with HIV who smoke or vape marijuana, tobacco, cocaine and/or methamphetamine to determine the long-term effects of their use among individuals with HIV and COVID-19. Research areas include the following: 
1) The risks that smoking and/or vaping tobacco, marijuana, cocaine, and/or methamphetamine may have on acquiring the SARS-CoV2 infection in individuals with HIV.
2) The medical consequences, co-morbidity, and complications of SARS-CoV2 infection affecting cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, gastrointestinal, hematological, immunological, CNS and PNS systems in HIV individuals who smoke and/or vape tobacco, marijuana, cocaine, and/or methamphetamine.
3) Defining mechanisms by which substance use and HIV interact to increase susceptibility to severe COVID-19 affecting cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, gastrointestinal, hematological, immunological, CNS and PNS morbidity.
4) Utilization of large database- Electronic Health Records – strategies for retrospective and platform based prospective studies, cross analyses, and real-time health delivery and critical health-related decisions in emergency medicine settings.
Investigators are encouraged to make use of existing data sets and resources. 
Deadline:  Opportunity expires  September 8, 2024.  See full solicitation (linked above) for more details.

NOSI: Long-Term Neurocognitive Consequences of COVID-19 in Individuals Living with HIV and Substance Use Disorders

NIDA is interested in receiving research applications focusing on studying the long-term neurocognitive consequences of the COVID-19/HIV/SUDs syndemic. This NOSI encourages, but is not limited to, research applications in these areas:
1) Long-term neurocognitive ef fects of HIV/COVID-19/SUDs. Basic science studies to explore changes in neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, biochemistry, learning and behavior.
2) Clinical studies to evaluate cognitive, behavioral, neuropsychiatric, neuro-therapeutic outcomes, etc. Staging and categorizing of cognitive dysfunction. Differentiation between HAND and COVID-19 neurocognitive impairment in individuals with and without SUDs. Validation of neurocognitive scales for HAND and COVI-19 neurocognitive impairment.
3) N eurocognitive studies in individuals with HIV/COVID-19/SUDs classified by age/gender/race/socioeconomic status/drug of choice use/ART regime/HCV status/other co-morbidities/criminal justice involvement, etc.
4) Therapeutic strategies for such neurocognitive dysfunction in the context of HIV. Effectiveness of NMDA receptor antagonists, Anticholinergics, B12 supplements, Thiamine, SSRI’s, Benzodiazepines, Antipsychotics, etc., and its interactions with ART and SUDs. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; Mindfulness; Meditation; Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and others.
Deadline:  Opportunity expires  September 8, 2024.  See full solicitation (linked above) for more details.

NOSI: COVID-19 Pandemic Mental Health Research

NIMH is issuing this Notice to highlight interest in basic, translational, intervention and services research relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic. NIMH is especially interested in research to provide an evidence base to understand how mental illness contributes to COVID-19 risk and mortality, how incident mental illness develops with COVID-19, and the development of scalable interventions to meet the public mental health needs during and resulting from the pandemic both specifically related to the virus but also at a broader population level that is impacted by stress, disruptions, and loss of lives in the pandemic. Research addressing the intersection of COVID-19, mental health, and HIV treatment and prevention are also of interest to NIMH. Research is anticipated to focus on particularly vulnerable populations based on existing evidence of increased mental health symptoms and illness and preexisting and worsening health disparities. 
Deadline:  Opportunity expires  January 8, 2025.  See full solicitation (linked above) for more details.

NOSI: Enhancing Research on Deciphering Mechanisms of COVID-19-Associated Coagulopathy

This Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) aims to accelerate a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms of COVID-19-Associated Coagulopathy (CAC) which are provoked by vascular endothelial cell injury, hyperimmune responses, and hypercoagulability at genomic, molecular, and cellular levels.  Knowledge obtained from such studies may be applied to the future design of early diagnostics and effective treatment for high-risk patients as well as enable CAC research findings to be applied to on-going COVID-19 clinical trials.  Applicants are encouraged to establish collaborations among researchers with a multi-disciplinary background, such as cell biology, molecular biology, immunology, hematology, virology, systems biology, multi-omics, and data science. Applications must be submitted using  PA-20-185 or its reissue.
Deadline:  Opportunity expires  July 6, 2025.  See full solicitation (linked above) for more details.

NOSI: Pediatric COVID-19 and Respiratory Viral Co-infection

This NOSI is intended to support projects that will employ existing and new clinical trial cohorts/observational cohorts to screen for co-infection, phenotype and collect biospecimens to answer some of the questions below and to encourage investigator-initiated applications for basic, translational and human subject research (not clinical trials) in this space.
Deadline:  Opportunity expires September 8, 2025.  See full solicitation (linked above) for more details.

NOSI: NIDCR Support for Research on the Physiological Involvement of Oral Cavity in COVID-19

The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) is reissuing this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) to encourage research studies focused on the physiological involvement of oral cavity and oral manifestations related to SARS-CoV-2 and/or Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). As the pandemic continues to evolve and new viral variants continue to emerge the need to fill knowledge gaps and for a better understanding of SARS-CoV-2 remain. A major unmet clinical need has arisen to block the transmission chain, prevent frequent breakthrough infections, and achieve high levels of durable protection against severe disease, no less prevent post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC, or long COVID). NIDCR is positioned to address COVID-19 research knowledge gaps unique to our mission, as well as to facilitate broad and rapid dissemination of research findings. Outcomes from this NOSI are expected to strengthen the knowledge base of COVID-19 disease mechanisms and presentations in the oral cavity. 
Deadline Opportunity expires May 8, 2026.  See full solicitation (linked above) for more details.

National Science Foundation (NSF) Funding Opportunities:

Dear Colleague Letter: NSF and Social Science Research Council Partnership to Advance Scientific Knowledge about the Impact of Public Health Guidance

To help focus research on what we know and can learn about how individuals, groups and institutions make decisions related or in response to public health issues, NSF is partnering with the SSRC in a collaboration called "Advance Scientific Knowledge about the Impact of Public Health Guidance." Drawing on their complementary strengths, these two funders intend to jointly fund proposals that advance scientific knowledge about the impact of public health guidance. The public interest in this endeavor is self-evident in the time of COVID-19, but even after this pandemic is successfully managed, there will continue to be a public interest and societal need, not only in the U.S. but across the globe, for research to clarify what contributes to the impact of public health guidance. To designate the proposal as being related to this research topic and submitted in response to this DCL, proposals must include "NSF-SSRC:" at the beginning of the proposal title.

Other Funding Opportunities:

Pulitzer Center: COVID-19, Vaccines, and Global Health Inequities

The Pulitzer Center is seeking applications for enterprise and underreported stories about COVID-19 inequities and other U.S. and global health system failures. The Center is interested in systemic barriers to all sorts of care, including, but not limited to, COVID-19 vaccines and treatment, and stories about misinformation and politicization that impede improved access to care and preparation for future health crises. This opportunity is open to all newsrooms and independent journalists in the United States and abroad. Applications must include  a description of the proposed project in no more than 250 words; a  preliminary budget estimate, including a basic breakdown of costs; and a  compelling distribution plan.
Deadline: Full proposals accepted anytime

Amazon Web Services Diagnostic Development Initiative (DDI)

This initiative provides support for innovation in rapid and accurate patient testing for 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19), and other diagnostic solutions to mitigate future outbreaks. Although vaccine and treatment development research is generally funded by private foundations and government agencies, fast and reliable diagnostic techniques are slow to be developed. Accurate testing and diagnosis at point-of-care or regional locations for patients with COVID-19 is critical to early intervention and treatment. AWS is offering technical support and providing AWS promotional credits to support the use of AWS services to advance diagnostic research for selected institutions and companies.
Deadline:   June 30, 2024; November 15, 2024

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Pioneering Ideas: Exploring the Future to Build a Culture of Health

Pioneering Ideas: Exploring the Future to Build a Culture of Health seeks proposals that are primed to influence health equity in the future. We are interested in ideas that address any of these four areas of focus: Future of Evidence; Future of Social Interaction; Future of Food; Future of Work. Additionally, we welcome ideas that might fall outside of these four focus areas, but which offer unique approaches to advancing health equity and our progress toward a Culture of Health. We want to hear from scientists, anthropologists, artists, urban planners, community leaders—anyone, anywhere who has a new or unconventional idea that could alter the trajectory of health, and improve health equity and well-being for generations to come. The changes we seek require diverse perspectives and cannot be accomplished by any one person, organization or sector. While this call for proposals is focused on broader and longer-term societal trends and shifts that were evolving prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, we recognize the unique circumstances and learning created by the COVID-19 pandemic may inform your response. It is at your discretion whether you propose a project related to the pandemic directly or indirectly.
Deadline:   Full proposals accepted anytime

Funding Portals, Search Engines, and Other Resources:

Pivot at West Virginia University

Pivot focuses on what matters most to you—the ability to identify and connect with funding opportunities and other researchers, locally and globally. It combines the most comprehensive, editorially-maintained database of funding opportunities worth an estimated $33 billion with a unique database of 3 million scholar profiles—and growing. Access to Pivot is limited to authenticated users only; you must have an email address that ends in one of the following ways:,, or To stay updated on COVID-19 funding information, we recommend saving a “COVID-19” search. Results will be emailed to you weekly.

Grant Station

Funding opportunities for nonprofits in the area of COVID-19, updated each business day and listed by deadline date. Use Ctrl + F on your keyboard to search funding opportunities or jump to a particular section of interest by using the links.

Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Funding Opportunities

The JHU Office of the Vice Provost for Research (VPR) has compiled several funding opportunities specific to COVID-19. This list will be updated as new opportunities arise.

InfoEd Global is proud to be able to share this library of COVID-19 funding opportunities and resources with our colleagues in the research realm and the broader community at large.

COSSA COVID-19 Social Science Resources

COSSA (Consortium of Social Science Associations) is compiling a list of resources for social scientists and stakeholders related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The list includes guidance from federal science agencies, collections of publicly available peer-reviewed research related to the crisis, resources from COSSA member associations, and more. There are a number of new databases for researchers wishing to amplify their work that may have relevance to the current crisis, including the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset, supported by the Allen Institute for AI, and a grassroots effort on GitHub to compile new social science research related to COVID-19.

NIH/NCBI/NLM’s LitCovid Literature Hub

LitCovid is a curated literature hub for tracking up-to-date scientific information about the Coronavirus. It is the most comprehensive resource on the subject, providing central access to a growing number of relevant articles in PubMed. The articles are updated daily and are further categorized by different research topics and geographic locations for improved access.

Open-Access Data and Computational Resources to Address COVID-19

COVID-19 open-access data and computational resources are being provided by federal agencies, including NIH, public consortia, and private entities. These resources are freely available to researchers, and this page will be updated as more information becomes available.

USDA COVID-19 Federal Rural Resource Guide

The COVID-19 Federal Rural Resource Guide is a helpful resource published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture unveiled by the USDA for rural communities looking for federal funding and partnership opportunities to help address COVID-19. This resource matrix organizes funding opportunities identified in the CARES Act and other federal resources that can help support rural America. Opportunities are categorized by customer and assistance type.

WV-Specific Resources:

COVID-19 Business Relief Resources

In order to aid businesses and communities dealing with the impact of COVID-19, the West Virginia Department of Commerce has developed a directory of human and financial resources. On this site, you will find important information about resources from both state and federal agencies available to businesses and communities affected economically from COVID-19.

Philanthropy West Virginia COVID-19 Relief Funds

Philanthropy West Virginia has created a list of emergency relief funds from West Virginia’s Community Foundations, United Way agencies, and other local organizations. These organizations accept donations and provide relief to West Virginia communities affected by the pandemic.