Skip to main content and eRa Commons Registration Account is a website developed by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to facilitate the exchange of information and transactions between NSF and the research community. To obtain access to a account, email the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) and provide the following information:

  • Name (first, last and middle initial)
  • Department
  • Degree type and year earned (specify degree area and list campus address, email, business phone and fax number)
  • Role (e.g. PI, graduate student, undergraduate student, sponsor, etc.)
If you are relocating from another institution and already have a ID, provide OSP with that ID in addition to the information listed above. After OSP registers your ID with WVU, you can update your profile to reflect your affiliation.

eRA Commons Account

The eRA Commons is an online interface created by the National Institutes of Health where researchers can access and share information relating to research grants. To obtain access to an eRA Commons account, email the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) and provide the following information:

  • Name (first, last, and middle initial)
  • Email address
  • Role (e.g. PI, graduate student, undergraduate student, sponsor, etc.)
Your login information will be provided by OSP, and your password will be provided by NIH.